Riga Mobility Vision 2050
Inviting people to walk, cycle, and take public transport in Riga
“Transport is about much more
than transport, and is about much
more than just getting from A to B.
It is about our health, about how
we meet our fellow citizens and
about the independence of our
children. Mobility is about our
everyday life and our quality of life.” Towards a better everyday life - Riga Mobility Vision 2020. Credit: Gehl
Kristapa Iela before development. Credit: Gehl
Gehl’s development of the mobility strategy also included conceptual designs for various areas of the city to illustrate the approach and priorities outlined in the vision and to help kick-start implementation. Conceptual designs were created for high-profile locations such as Riga Central Station Square, as well as more local spots like Kristapa Street, shown here. The focus on Kristapa Street was to improve conditions for cycling, walking, and public transport while still providing the necessary capacity for cars. Credit: Gehl
Credit: Gehl