Landsbyggefonden Strategic Advisory
Shaping a platform for an urban strategic approach to non-profit housing
The Neighborhood for Generations Exhibition, that took place between June 2023 till September 2024, became a platform to showcase the winning ideas from the ideas competition. The Feed-Back Table by Schmidt Hammer Lassen & Fælleshaven was developed as a physical tool to kick-off participatory processes. Photo courtesy: Landsbyggefonden
Gehl and the review board visited Folehaven in Copenhagen to meet interested parties and discuss urban strategic principles. Credit: Gehl
‘Thinking Outside the B(l)ox’ is a project by Hele Landet – Sociale Arkitekter & ØsterGRO & Andreas Høegh that aims to tackle loneliness, segregation, and social inequality by creating more opportunities for people to meaningfully meet. Photo courtesy: Landsbyggefonden
The ‘Neighborhood for Generations’ ideas competition invites people to ideate on potential solutions to the challenges many cities are facing today. Photo Credit: Gehl. Video Credit: Advice Agency