India Basin
Envisioning a walkable and sustainable waterfront neighborhood
Credit: Steelblue
The Big Green is the heart of the open space system and functions as a dynamic landscape with diverse ecologies and programs. Design emphasis is placed on preserving the character of the Big Green as natural, rugged, and feral. Credit: Steelblue
The Cove Terrace is a prominent public and private plaza, lined with active ground floor restaurants and cafes, located at the top of a terraced bank with panoramic views to downtown San Francisco. The intersection of the urban and the wild offers a rare experience along the San Francisco waterfront. Credit: Steelblue
The Hillside steps provide an important functional pedestrian connection from Innes Avenue down to New Hudson Avenue — the retail heart of the neighborhood. The steps are designed to feel welcoming, generous, and comfortable to the larger existing India Basin community. Credit: Kurumi Nishioka