Spor10: Putting People and Health First in Neighborhood Development
At the heart of Jernbanebyen (The Railway District), the largest undeveloped area in central Copenhagen, lies Spor10, a hub focused on healthy living that’s already fostering a community ahead of the full development.
Social and cultural activation in Copenhagen, Spor10. Credit: Novo Nordisk.
Mills has been an anchor association at Spor10, supporting youth of diverse backgrounds in skating and roller discos for the wider community of Jernbanebyen. Credit: Evald Munksgaard Hansen, courtesy of Novo Nordisk
On the left is Spor10 in the current context and on the right is Spor10 after full development of Jernbanebyen. Graphics courtesy of Nrep.
Working across long-term and near-term timescales enabled Spor10 to combine event planning into a larger framework and find organisations and associations that would be integral to the long-term development of this civic hub. Credit: Gehl.
Spor10 seen in a wider context. Credit: Gehl.
Network of partners from launch in 2023. Credit: Gehl.
Every Wednesday all actors within Spor10 come together to open their spaces and offer free programs to the public, with a communal dinner at the end of the evening that draws hundreds of people around the city. Credit: Alpha Mohamad.